Jorge Gurgel Martial Arts Center In West Chester OH

Jorge Gurgel Martial Arts Center in West Chester, OH is a Mixed Martial Arts gym in West Chester, Ohio. It was founded in 1984 by Hall of Fame mixed martial artist Jorge Gurgel and his brother Robert Gurgel.

In addition to being the home of professional mixed martial arts fighter Jorge Gurgel, is also used as a training center for boxers and MMA fighters alike. In 1992, it served as the site for twelve boxing matches on ESPN’s Friday Night Fights including one featuring Joey Gamache. The main focus at Jorge “Gurgel” Martial Arts Center West Chester is Mixed Martial Arts classes with Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu represented in BJJ under Felipe Costa’s team with Carlos Costa managing.

Nightlife spots in this area include: Jorge Gurgel Martial Arts Center West Chester is one of the most recognized Mixed Martial Arts training centers in all of USA. Located on Cincinnati’s west side, this jiu-jitsu training center teaches brazilian Jiu Jitsu, MMA, Boxing and Muay Thai classes to men, women & kids ages 4+. All of our MMA classes are hosted at Jorge Gurgel Martial Arts Center West Chester Location. Every class is taught by a committed and experienced martial arts instructor, so you will get the attention you need to excel in your area of interest.